Breathe better and sleep better with our customized oral appliances

Breathe better and sleep better with our customized oral appliances
Is your kid having breathing problems as he sleeps? Dr. Chris Brady has the ideal solution in a customized mouth appliance that would help your kid to sleep and breathe better. Listen to this testimonial from a patient’s mother who is very happy with the treatment her son is getting. Call (719) 260-9000 to learn more.
Video Transcript

Is your child’s brain getting enough oxygen?
I’m doctor Brady. I’d like to show you this little appliance here that we have. This actually does amazing things for your child’s ability to breathe at night. And I’d really like to kind of let you hear what some of the people have said that where this appliance. Almost immediately we noticed a difference. We noticed him sleeping better and then the, the, next day after a good night’s sleep, not surprisingly, he had a much better handle on his behaviour. He’s never been particularly wild, but on the days where he’s not wearing his appliance or the days, but he’s, you know, he hasn’t slept well the night before, he as much sort of temporary, he’s got it. Just he’s his emotions are just so much closer to the surface. We noticed that he is much better at self-regulating, at calming himself down at taking a step back and saying. I’m really upset right now and he notices the difference too, and he said I’m really glad that I get to wear my clients because I like to sleep with my appliance. The idea that we could avoid braces and permanent palate expanders in the future if we go with this much less invasive, much less expensive procedure at a younger age. That it could make such a difference for the future of his dental health.