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Getting to know Dr. Chris Brady! Here’s an introductory video to the Man behind the Mask at Dental Health and Wellness, Colorado Springs, CO

Dr. Chris Brady's Intro Video
Hi, my name is Dr. Chris Brady. I was born and raised in Colorado and southern Colorado, in the San Luis Valley and when I was 8 years old, I got braces and I fell in love with being a dentist and I have not changed my mind since then.

Hi, my name is Dr. Chris Brady. I was born and raised in Colorado and southern Colorado, in the San Luis Valley and when I was 8 years old, I got braces and I fell in love with being a dentist and I have not changed my mind since then. I went to school in Texas, at Baylor – College of Dentistry and graduated there in 1984.

One of the things that I think is a little bit unique about me is that I just love to learn, I just keep going because people kind of come in and say ‘are you getting ready to retire?’ and I just say not yet – the reason is because three is so much to learn, and I also love people and I also love being around them and others and being able to help if at all possible – something that I think that distinguishes our practice from the rest of the world out there is that our Motto, our Theme is: practicing from the heart and we believe strongly that the patient is the boss in the chair, and I am just the guest helper so to speak and the guide to kin do help things along. So we love to listen to you and my job is to help you get what it is that you want.

So I look forward to meeting you – please call, we would love to see you and meet you and thank you very much for listening to this video.

What do we offer?

Our team will offer you choices. Healthy choices. Choices you make about your care (with our help). Choices that help you feel better and look better. It's your body. You know it best. You're in charge. Our role is to respect the body and aid it's attempts to heal itself while helping you get what you want.